Does your small business really need a social media presence?

Frustrated Man on Computer

The short answer? Yes.

Ugh, are you sure?  Yeah, I’m afraid so.

It’s just such a pain to keep up with and there are so many more pressing things to do!

I get it, and I hear this a lot. Keeping your online presence updated can be quite overwhelming. From updating your website, to posting on Facebook and Twitter, to responding to Yelp comments, to promoting events, to creating and uploading YouTube videos, to blogging, to sending updates to your mailing list, to whatever else you should probably be doing to keep your customers up-to-date, most small businesses find many of these fall by the wayside as they become consumed by the daily grind of running their business.

But the thing is, if potential customers visit your Twitter feed and see that you haven’t posted anything in ages, it makes them wonder whether you’re still in business, or whether you will be responsive to their questions or concerns. There are also excellent opportunities you could be missing out on to attract new customers if you knew how to take advantage of the advertising tools on Facebook and Google for instance. But who has the time to spend figuring out the ever-changing rules of the internet and social media?

That’s where a Virtual Assistant like myself comes in. I can sit down with you, discuss your goals and we can set up an online strategy. I can:

  • Create and schedule social media posts to go out on a weekly basis;
  • Write blog posts;
  • Create and upload videos;
  • Create graphics;
  • Update your website;
  • Promote events;
  • Create and send attractive email newsletters or other updates to your customers;
  • Do some basic SEO to improve your search engine rankings;
  • and much more.

This is what I spend most of my time doing, and I work almost exclusively with small businesses. I have learned many tricks of the trade and do my best to keep up with the trends. I can help you improve your online presence. And it probably won’t cost nearly as much as you may think, because I am not an expensive marketing agency, and my rates are quite reasonable.

Contact me at and let’s talk about how to get all that web stuff off your hands so you can get back to business!